Amadeus Digital Care Record
Medication Management
An integrated solution for a complete, patient-centric view of medication.

An integrated solution for a complete, patient-centric view of medication.
Orion Health’s Amadeus Medication Management is a complete, unified view of a patient’s medication data aggregated from multiple sources, including prescriptions, community pharmacy dispensaries, and hospital discharge summaries.
Medication errors and patient medication non-adherence are some of the challenges that health systems need to address to achieve quality healthcare outcomes and lower healthcare costs. However, measuring medication adherence is often difficult and burdensome.Â
Clinicians are time poor, and it is not uncommon for patients to stray from their medication regimen, especially at care transition points between the hospital and the community.Â
Medication Management simplifies the task for both the care team and the patient of understanding patient medications and sharing that information across the wider care team. Normalisation and smart algorithms enrich the medication data to present meaningful information so that all clinicians in the patient’s circle of care can quickly make sense of their medication history.
Aggregates data in real time from third parties and provides a complete, patient-centric view of medication across the entire health and social care ecosystem.
Clinicians can easily identify and resolve medication discrepancies, track changes in medication therapy, and record reasons for those changes, who made them and from which facility.
Engages patients in their healthcare by assisting them with guidance on their prescribed medication and how and when to take it.
Implements SNOMED-based medicines terminologies to manage the relationships between pharmacy-branded products, generic concepts and third-party proprietary drug files.
Enables all authorised care providers at various patient touch-points to contribute to, curate and share a patient’s current medication therapy, producing an authoritative “managed list of medicines”.
Patients can view current therapy and administration schedules within their medication record, which facilitates the ability to challenge the accuracy of their prescription record.
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