Amadeus Digital Health Record
New Zealand’s platform for child milestone tracking
Improving health outcomes for all tamariki

Improving health outcomes for all tamariki
Orion Health’s Amadeus Child Health Information Platform (CHIP) is a digital health solution that tracks each child’s progress and collates siloed health information into a single integrated dataset.
In New Zealand, tamariki from birth to six years old are entitled to many universal health checks that monitor 30 key milestones, which enable children to have a healthy development.
The Child Health Information Platform creates a single longitudinal record that follows each child regardless of their location, making it easier to contact children who don’t have a GP or those missing milestone checks. CHIP plays a crucial role in closing data gaps by ensuring the automatic enrollment of all children into the platform via the local birth registration authority.
Not only does CHIP aid in early interventions, but it ensures every child receives universal health services and that no child is left behind, especially those in vulnerable communities and remote regional locations.
Offers a single comprehensive view across all of a child’s milestones and services, enabling early detection of care gaps, and supporting the sharing of relevant information at key transition points between providers.
Increased information-sharing between service providers allows for improved targeting and increased primary care enrollment rates and access to services.
Privacy and security are embedded into the platform, which protects the appropriate sharing of information between providers using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
All children are enrolled in the CHIP platform via Maternity File or National Health Index (NHI) feed, making it simple to identify and connect with children who are missing a GP or a Well Child Provider.
Enables community and healthcare services to better track, reach and support vulnerable groups in order to improve access to and uptake of universal health services.
CHIP is a cloud-first platform capable of handling the data for all children, and its inter-regional collaboration makes it simpler to track the movement of those children and families back and forth between regions.
Orion Health’s Digital Front Door is an omni-channel consumer engagement platform that integrates tools and services for end-to-end healthcare navigation and management.
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