A future-focused data platform with AI and customisation built into the core enables a frictionless experience for deploying standard machine learning pipelines, assembling custom machine learning pipelines or accessing the data stored to support machine learning and analytical use cases within the health domain. Amadeus CORE is the cloud platform for data analytics and machine learning which supports value-based care and population health management initiatives.

Two popular topics in healthcare

There are two popular topics in healthcare currently, health management of populations and the health industry’s transition to value-based care. Both can be supported by the easy to use toolset provided in Amadeus CORE. What are the capabilities in Amadeus CORE that can be used to support these topics?

1. Population Health Management (PHM)

PHM has been described by Chilmark Research as: “The proactive management of the health of a given population by a defined network of financially linked providers in partnership with community stakeholders (e.g., social workers, visiting nurses, hospice, patient, caregivers/family, etc.).” PHM is focused on reducing disease progression, promoting improved health outcomes and ultimately prolonging life by using data about a population to make informed decisions and building care management programs. This is no task that can be taken lightly, it requires rich data, known and unknown, and the ability to explore the data to find meaningful information. Building effective care management programs relies heavily on technology to provide the framework.

To add more complexity into PHM there are multiple interested healthcare organisations that have their own requirements for exploring this data. Organisations such as health insurers managing their member population to ensure that each life in the member base has the cover they deserve. National and regional governments managing a populations health to ensure preventative measures can be taken to provide effective public health measures to reduce the stress on the public health system. Plus, hospital organisations who need to manage the efficiencies of servicing a population both within the hospital and out into the community to ensure patients receive the best health outcome they deserve.

Each healthcare organisation has a unique set of requirements which is why Amadeus CORE has customisation as a first-class citizen. With first-class support for customisation healthcare organisations can really stay agile and on board, any data feed with low friction. By utilising these new data feeds (such as city pollution levels, population spending habits, population physical activity habits, etc), organisations can explore and integrate these feeds into reports, dashboards and/or exports ensuring that population health information is accessible to make informed decisions to improve the lives of each individual in a population.

2. Value-Based Care

Value-based care is focused on improving the quality of care while containing costs associated with providing that care. Clinicians now need to pay attention to the utilisation of resources as well as the welfare of their patients, with the objective of reducing the overall cost of caring for their patients.

There is a spotlight on reducing unnecessary costs such as the duplication of medical tests for example x-rays and blood tests. Duplication of tests that are not clinically indicated can be the result of clinicians reordering medical tests when they cannot locate earlier tests. This can be due to incomplete electronic record transfer among incompatible Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.

With the intention of moving healthcare delivery from a fee-for-service to a value-based care model, providing cost reductions, while delivering quality care to patients is the primary goal. The right technology can enable value-based healthcare models to be a reality, by providing the tools to analyse costs associated with healthcare and how these align with patient health outcomes.

This shift in paradigm for healthcare brings the most significant change for health software platforms. In the value-based care paradigm, micro and macro environment data need to be collected, processed and valuable information needs to be derived to ensure that healthcare providers have all the necessary information they need. This data ensures that informed decisions are based on the holistic view of a patient and their environment. Examples of supplementary information that is not prevalent in traditional EHR’s can be vital signs from wearable devices such as a smartwatch or water pollution levels in the system close to a patient’s home. These new data feeds can lead to healthcare providers having a deeper understanding and providing an improved quality of diagnostic or preventive care to their patients.

Amadeus CORE provides first-class support for customisation, users can easily cater for custom data feeds and build processes to improve the understanding of a healthcare organisation’s data. Amadeus CORE is a data platform that enables health organisations to be agile, focus on their value and not worry about the underlying data platform. As we move into a highly integrated health system of known and unknown data feeds it is important that the healthcare platform of choice be flexible to the evolving world.