Nick Willox, Sales Director, Orion Health

The user base of the Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record (NIECR) has been successfully extended to include community optometrists. In this video Nick Willox, Sales Director at Orion Health details the organisation’s six year partnership with Business Services Organisation and the Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record, including this recent development.


Orion Health has been in Northern Ireland for a number of years. We’ve been live with the Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record (NIECR) for six years, but a couple of years before that through a proof of concept, so probably eight or nine years in total.

So, the NIECR to Orion Health is strategically very important. It’s one of the first implementations of a national shared care record for an entire population and has delivered some real benefits to the population of Northern Ireland.

Traditionally, Orion Health tends to operate within the space of acute care, mental health, and Primary care. Introducing the electronic care record to optometry is a real exciting venture for Orion Health. Giving optometrists access to a person’s health care records helps them to do their job better and deliver better care for the patient.

So, the future is very exciting for Northern Ireland with the Orion Health shared care records. We already have a single record that spans acute, mental health, primary care, community and now optometry and GP’s. Looking at the future with the emergence of wearable devices with smart smartphones, smartwatches, other devices, home care solutions, we’re now starting to see an explosion of data and that can be collected within our platform, and we can then start to run some real interesting insights through population health management.