In this video, taken during our Scotland Customer Conference, Orion Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Chris Hobson discusses the outlook for Digital Front Doors in Scotland and how soon a Digital Front Door can be implemented.

Transcript – What’s the future of Digital Front Doors in Scotland?

My name’s Chris Hobson, I’m the Chief Medical Officer with Orion Health. 

I have a global role, so I’m very fortunate to see Health Systems and Health I.T. deployments literally across the world. It’s been very exciting to be here in Glasgow. 

From an Orion Health perspective, we have a product we call the digital front door, the aim of the digital front door is to automate every interaction that the patient has with the healthcare system, as much as you can; to enable, you know these interactions to be more productive ‘better, faster, cheaper’ kind of approach. We’re talking about the digital front door and the things we’ve had with it you know at other sites, and then we’re looking to see in Scotland whether there’s enough interest and whether that’s something that the time is right for that in Scotland now or maybe it’s a case of lets you know work on the strategy so that we in time when there is funding or a bigger will for it then we’re ready to advance with that. 

We’re very confident that we can do that largely as an add-on or an integration project, so to give you some examples in terms of time frames, in mid-2020, the Ontario government landed on the idea that they would deploy a digital front door across the province. They ran a two-year procurement, and then Orion Health won that procurement, and then we had six months to actually deliver the project, which went live in April 2022. So, in terms of health IT and changing healthcare, that’s not a long time, and I think that’s an important part of the message.