What is the purpose of interoperability, and why is it so crucial for the health sector?
What’s behind the recent increase in momentum?

In healthcare, challenges have persisted for decades, from managing an aging population to grappling with a shortage of medical professionals, disparities in healthcare access, and soaring costs.
Integrating digital tools into healthcare practices has become essential to address these issues.

However, the rapid adoption of Health Information Technologies (HITs) has often outpaced the development of interoperability standards, leading to frustration among providers.

In particular, the amount of clerical burden due to the fallout from a lack of interoperability between electronic health record systems (i.e., documentation redundancy with inefficient workflows) falls heavily on the shoulders of physicians and their staff . These administrative burdens inevitably affect physicians’ time spent with their patients and contribute to feelings of general burnout.

This White Paper delves into the realities of interoperability in healthcare, examining its potential amidst the industry’s pressing needs and the driving forces behind its current momentum.

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